4K CABVIEW Niš - Dimitrovgrad (Sićevo Gorge and Nisava river valley)

Railway line Nis - Dimitrovgrad is one of the two southern branches of Corridor 10 through Serbia. It is the main international transit line for freight traffic to and from Bulgaria and Turkey. The renovation and electrification of this line was planned many years ago. As the plans are not realized, this line is left to years of non-maintenance and infrastructure deterioration. Today, mainly transit freight trains between Europe and the Middle East pass through this line. There are a few pairs of passenger trains, too. This video was recorded from one of DMU trains from Nis to Dimitrovgrad. The ride from Nis starts through urban street area of the city, continues along the valley of the river Nisava towards Sicevo Gorge. Sicevo Gorge is the most scenic part, because the track runs through high cuts, rock cliffs and several tunnels. After Sicevo Gorge the line gradually ascends along the other part of the Nisava river valley to Dimitrovgrad (Serbian/Bulgarian border cross station). Track often cross
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