Plane crash Underwater Diorama scale 1:72 Flugzeugabsturz Unterwasser-Diorama Anycubic PHOTON MONO X

► ANYCUBIC 3D Printer ► LCW Online-Shop: ► Patreon Making of underwater diorama: Thomas erzählt alle Höhen und Tiefen und verrät alle Tipps und Tricks in 28 Minuten Thomas tells all the ups and downs, and reveals all the tips and tricks in 28 minutes ► Patreon support Thomas♥♥: ► Laser Cut files to download and to laser yourself!!♥ ► 3D files to download ---------------------------------Verbaute Materialien / Installed materials----------------------------------------- ►Airbrush H&S-INFINITY-CR-plus-Two-in-One- ►AK-Intera...ktive Primer & Microfiller White
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