This Changes Everything! Hidden History of Vedic Knowledge & the Indus Valley Civilization

How long have human’s been present on this planet? How far back does the Vedic civilization in India go? Were certain gods & deities worshiped within the Solar Dynasty in India as long as 20 million years ago?? Micheal Cremo reveals all in this video presentation, in association with portal to ascension. Visit for information on the upcoming 3 day portal to ascension conference in San Diego, California. April 21 to the 23, 2023. Featuring Michael Cremo, Linda Moulten Howe, Caroline Cory, Barbara Lamb, and many other amazing presenters! Was there Vedic design within Indus Valley Civilization sites? Is there any archaeological evidence that humans like us, have been present on earth for millions of years? Were Humans like us on Earth 20 Million Years Ago?! Our website The Puranas - the Vedic history tell a story of human history that is much, much older than the one currently accepted. Micheal Cremo is a researcher o
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