Learn how to paint all the greenskins from the 1980s and 2020s versions of HeroQuest!
Did you know that HeroQuest is way cheaper now?
The plastic cups I use as painting handles:
A great model paint starter set:
A great beginner paint brush set:
Cheap brushes for detail work:
The other Heroquest videos:
Basic painting advice for beginners:
The paints I’ll be using for this series, and decent alternatives, are as follows:
Red: Citadel Mephiston Red / TTCombat Viscera Red / AK Deep Red
Green: Vallejo Intermediate Green / Citadel Warpstone Glow / AK Deep Green
Grey: Vallejo Neutral Grey / Citadel Dawnstone / TTCombat Admirality Grey
Khaki: TTCombat Mummified Khaki / Citadel Zandri Dust / Vallejo Khaki
Dark Blue: TTCombat Throwing Shade / Vallejo Signal Blue / Citadel Night Lords Blue
Brown: TTCombat Matt Brown / Citadel Mournfang Brown
Yellow: AK Deep Yellow / Citadel Flash Gitz Yellow
Silver: Vallejo Aluminium / TTCombat Supernova Chrome / Citadel Stormhost Silver
Purple: Vallejo Royal Purple / Citadel Xereus Purple / GreenStuffWorld Liche Purple
Black: TTCombat Black / Citadel Abaddon Black / AK Black
Off-white: Vallejo Pale Sand / Citadel Screaming Skull
Gold: TTCombat Counterfit Gold / Citadel Retributor Armour
Black wash: TTCombat Black Wash / Citadel Nuln Oil
Brown wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade / Vallejo Brown Wash
Music by Midwinter Minis, and the YouTube Audio Library.
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