E-an-na - Fântânile de la Capătul Lumii - Vox & Wind instruments playthrough

E-an-na - Fântânile de la Capătul Lumii - Vox & Wind instruments playthrough Taken from our album „Alveolar”, this is an alternative mix bringing all the details in this enormous song to life. Enjoy this playthrough by Andrei “Solomonar“ Oltean. ___________________________ Vă așteptăm la turneul de promovare al viitorului nostru album “Alveolar”! 🖤❤️🖤 - Iași (Legend) - Bacău (Valhalla) - Suceava (Art Rock Cafe) - București (Quantic) - Galați (Versus) Bilete găsiți aici: ___________________________ 🦖 CONCERTE/BOOKING @ Contact - 0725973290 💗 SUPPORT US Patreon: PayPal: @ BUY our music on Bandcamp: Ԁ
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