UFO Sighted Over Scarborough, Toronto, Canada ( February 25, 2021 )

STATEMENT : Today, February 25,2021 I was went outside work in Scarborough ,Ontario While a minute or so having a smoke I looked directly above in a state of shock Witnessing this strange long white object slowly moving across Within seconds pulled my camera out and started to film In the viewfinder continued to be shocked zooming at 30 X It appeared about a thousand feet moving towards the east I then lost sight of it heading now southeast towards the Lake Ontario Walked into to the street and took another clip Just watch how it changes form - what do you see ? I also took a few still shots - holy you should see them One looks like a Rosary with the cross at the bottom - WTF ? The sighting lasted about four minutes no witnesses Just my camera :) VIDEO TITLED : Long White Shape Shifting UFO Scarborough, Ontario Feb. 25,2021 @ 4:35 pm Pt 1 of 2 ORIGINAL VIDEO OWNER : MAY777ABLE ORIGINAL VIDEO URL :
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