Lawrence High School’s shot for shot recreation of the Kiesza music video.
Cast: Noemi Viola, Ryan Gargarita, Anaya Davis, Angelica Galletti, Nicholas Ramirez, Jessica Moreno, Danielle Portillo, Hannah O. Stevenson, Jacqueline Blyudoy, Sharon Morales and Chase Doyle.
Director: Brandon Brumm
Advisor: Laila Sales
Documentation: Diana Nyman and Naomi Oken
Assistants: Chloe Brumm and Michelle Barash
Asst. to the Director: Stacy Portillo
Head Choreographer: Jessica Moreno
Makeup Artist: Asya Mavruk
Artistic Directors: Alexa Pitt and Mavet Arellano
Art Dept: Lawrence High School’s NAHS
Music provided by: Serge Byakov
Music Editor: Amir Mackey
Catering: Robyn Lerebours
Mascot: Anthony Michelle
Special Thanks to:
Mr. Gary Schall (Superintendent.) Lee Eskin. Ernic Kight. Mrs. Pam Gallopini (District Music Coordinator.) Roseanne Epp. Nancy Mastrangelo. Lawrence High School Music Department. Evelyn Cabrera. Isaac Mayo. Hannah Grontas. Ilanit Oknin. Izzy Mayo. Irina Bayeva. Crystal Pearl. Gail Cuoco. Abby Schmitt. Stephen Sullivan. Mike Ehlers. Frank Zangari. Our Great Custodians. Sharon Goodman. Norah Hall. Natalie Kenny. Ruth Cohen. Mark Albin. Janet Ganes. Independent Bus Transportation and the fabulous Ms. Brenda. Lawrence Seniors, Parents, Families, Friends, and Alumni.
Most of all, the wonderful extras who stood in the rain.