Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer - Idiots on the road Pt 50

Here are all the idiots, who was so kind to participated in this video. For their service to entertaiment, i’ll hope they all get banned :D Time Name steamID Number 1:05 kiril0258 76561198140907370 3:19 [Yýldýz Lojistik] murat 76561198168765911 5:20 ShadowKiller™ 76561198179325103 6:36 TR-Gürkan-TR LOJÝSTÝK 76561198169312270 10:00 DAVE-PL 76561198153857100 12:33 AleexW 76561198143032554 18:13 76561198184130125 18:30 | Shako [GEO] 76561198144248389 19:42 kink7moody 76561
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