Como Lake Walking Tour. Free Excursion around Villa Balbianello where was filmed Star Wars movie

Villa del Balbianello is located on a wooded promontory on Como lake. This elegant, romantic 18th century mansion and its magnificent garden have hosted writers, scholars and travelers, including Count Guido Monzino, the last owner of the Villa. It’s 38 km from Como. The Villa can be reached on foot or by taxi boat from Lido di Lenno. My name is Yuliya, I’m from Ukraine, but last 7 years i live in Italy. This is YouTube channel about Italy and my life in this beautiful country. Videos on the channel are released twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 am Italian time. Please don’t forget to subscribe! Thanks for watching and stay tuned 🇮🇹 SOCIALS: ☆ Instagram: @ ☆ Telegram: ☆ TikTok: BUSINESS E-Mail merlante86@ PLEASE SUPPORT MY CHANNEL PayPal : merlante86@ /FAQ/ - What is my name? My name is Yuliya
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