Learn Hip Hop Dance: The Wop Dance

How to Dougie: Stance Start in an open stance, legs spread apart slightly past shoulder width. Keep everything loose, doing a little bounce, alternating weight from one hip to the other. Arms With your hands balled up into fists, face both forearms left. Your right forearm should be across your body, your left out past your side. Now, swing your forearms downward and in an arc over to the other side. Then, swing them back to the left. Shoulder Lean Lean your right shoulder down towards your right hip, then lean your left shoulder down towards your left hip. Head With your chin pointed down at your chest, roll your head to the right, then to the left. Leg Lean Throughout the move, you should be slowly leaning with your legs over to the left, then slowly leaning with your legs over to the right. LegsLift your left knee up. When it’s time, lift your right knee up. The Full Move Now that you’ve prac
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