Felix the Cat [NES] (PAL) Music / Soundtrack

猫のフェリックス (FELIX THE CAT) ファミコン (NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM) (C) 1992 SHIMADA KIKAKU / HUDSON SOFT MUSIC: KOMATSU KUNIO, SHINJYUKU YOKI 0:00 Title Screen / Entering New Level 1:26 Storyline 2:08 The Beginning 3:30 Level Complete 3:34 Boss Battle 4:26 Egyptian Excavation 6:03 Fights in the Skies 7:40 Tropical Paradise 9:16 Underwater Theme / Dark Depths 10:53 Tranquil Island 12:32 Snowy Wonderland 13:48 Outer Space 16:05 The End 18:48 Game Over Tracks names by Luigithehomie91. Fun Fact: This game was dev
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