There are NO Relative Performance GPUs and this is why / R9 290X vs GTX 780Ti in 2022
Iceberg Tech: @IcebergTech
HL Discord:
00:00 - Brief Introduction
00:46 - GPUs overview
09:20 - 2012
13:14 - 2013
17:31 - 2014
21:37 - 2015
24:10 - 2016
27:51 - 2017
32:03 - 2018
35:44 - 2019
40:35 - 2020
43:51 - 2021
46:40 - 2022
49:22 - Conclusion
Background Tracks:
Unicorn Heads - 808 Doorbell Chime
plenka - Catharsis
plenka - Plasma Water
plenka - Spirit
plenka - Lost the time
plenka - Muddy House
Case & Point - Error Code
plenka - Bbrokenn
Portwave - Oh, M
Arti-Fix - The Mercury Man
Arti-Fix - Cybernatic Sect
Arti-Fix - The Untold Story
Arti-Fix - Dangerous
Arti-Fix - Liquidator
Arti-Fix - Your Time