O idee decoratiune perete pe care o impletim din tubulete de hartie sub forma de panza de paianjen. Foarte simplu de impletit chiar de dumnevoastra pentru decorul casei. In acest video veti vedea: - Cum incepem aceasta decoratiune perete - Cum se impleteste - Cum inmultim numarul de tubulete de hartie ca sa iasa deasa. - Cum incheiem aceasta decoratiune perete. Mai multe idei de mestesuguri: Youtube: Blog: Facebook: A wall decoration idea that we weave from paper tubes in the shape of a spider web. Very easy to weave by yourself for the decoration of the house. In this video you will see: - How do we start this wall decoration - How it intertwines - How do we multiply the number of paper tubes so that they come out thick. - How do we finish this wall decoration. More craft ideas: Youtube: Blog: Facebook: #mstesuguriimpletite, #woven crafts, #woven baskets
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