Ancient Egypt - Symbology - Ancient History - Swaruu and Dhor Káal’el (Extraterrestrial Perspective)

Swaruu and Dhor Káal’el reveal the truth behind the ancient symbols, particularly the Egyptian ones. Cave paintings, ancient statues and constructions ... all explained from the stellar, not human perspective. THANK YOU BENT K. MICHAELSEN for providing the voice for D. Kaal´el. Our website with transcripts and forums: TO SUPPORT COSMIC AGENCY WORK: Thank you! :) Dhor Kaal´el voice: Bent K. Michaelsen ALL THE VIDEOS FROM THE BEGINNING (Playlist): COSMIC AGENCY UNCENSORED ON LRBY: @CosmicAgency:c SECOND COSMIC AGENCY CHANNEL (Back Up): Spanish Channel Agencia Cosmica: Robert´s Channel Despejando Enigmas:
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