ROYAL PALACE 100years old abandoned overgrown weeds we traveled 500KM to Transformation free help

ROYAL PALACE 100years old abandoned overgrown weeds we traveled 500KM to Transformation free help Hello everyone. We received a call from a province 500km away from our location, hoping to help us clean up the palace left by our ancestors and after cleaning the house. will be repaired and restored . We accepted the help and after nearly 2 days of traveling we arrived at the palace location and were really shocked when the antiquity and weeds covered the house, the garden became very wild. forest like. The host family helped us enthusiastically during our work , Due to the harsh climate here, it slowed our working process a bit , In the garden we found a bird’s nest and we have kept the lovely bird’s house. There are 2 homeowners in the video who helped us , the woman is the mother , the young man is a son , You can see the details also see a man who is the woman’s husband due to old age and health weak and unable to help us. This house has been abandoned for many years the owner shared with us
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