,,Букет сирени“, ,,Lilac Bouquet“, автор и исп. Ольга Скрябина.

Авторская песня ,,Букет сирени“ записана 28 мая 2018 года. Lilac Bouquet Olga Skryabin-Ogorodnova You brought a bunch of lilac to me. And he said, “I love you, my dear,“ Smiling affectionately to you, From your love as Ldinka melt. Chorus: Lilac bouquet, lilac bouquet, You brought the Lilac bouquet again, But all the same, we’re together again, Love and happiness do not lose us. (2 times). How beautiful is that bouquet of lilac, Feels and fragrant that fragrance, Our happiness is only one moment, The one who loves, the soul is rich.
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