The Trail We Blaze (from The Road To El Dorado) 【covered by Anna】 [female ver.]

Hello everyone! This week I sang The Trail We Blaze from The Road To El Dorado! Since covering It’s Tough To Be A God with Elsie, this song has been requested a ton and I will never turn down the opportunity to sing a song from Road To El Dorado. Unfortunately, everytime I cover a song from this movie, I tend to forget that there are layers and layers of background vocals. This one clocks in at 24 vocal tracks! 24!!!! It was a lot of work, but I had fun! As always, thank you for your continued support! It really does mean the world to me. Hope you all have a fantastic evening and I’ll see you next Saturday. ♥ (you can listen to this bad boy on the go too: ) ___________________________________________________________ The Trail We Blaze - The Road To El Dorado (Elton John) ➤ Artwork: Glamist [ ] ➤ Instrumental: Ryan Lafford [https:/
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