Greece: Protesters confront police in Athens amid 24-hour restaurants strike over COVID-19 measures

Follow us on Telegram: Subscribe to our channel! Protesters confronted police in the streets of Athens, on Tuesday, as restaurants, bars and cafes went on strike in protest of newly introduced COVID-19 measures. Protesters marching in the Greek capital were seen pushing against the shields of a line of police in riot gear. A 24-hour strike was called by the Panhellenic Federation of Restaurant and Related Professions (POESE), a trade union that represents workers in the service and tourism industries. Protesters gathered at Syntagma Square and marched to the Finance Ministry building. Under the new rules, introduced on Saturday, visitors of retail stores, banks, hair salons, and outdoor cafes and restaurants must provide a vaccination certificate, proof that they have recovered from COVID-19 or a negative rapid/PCR test result. Business owners in other cities have also joined the nationwide call for action. “It is impossible to not take any measures, as peopl
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