By the pricking of their thumbs, something wicked this way comes. With their second, long playing installment, the duo goes full-blown gloom. Are there really only two of them? These voices speak and sing to you, while orchestrations are multi-layered, bizarre, meticulously structured. Or abrasive and chaotic? Ambience hums, while strings cut through eerie atmosphere and deep beats roll. A bad witch? She chants sweet sorrow and loss, with undertones beautiful though haunted and possessed. With Russian lyrics in folkish manner these eight songs are heard from your ceiling, distant yet so close. They might as well be singing on your grave.
Aliona Ponomarenko - vocals, keys, guitars, lyrics
Nikita Kamenskiy - drums, bass, programming, recording, mixing
Pavel Dodonov - guitars
Alexander Kozlovskiy - cello
Yuri Usachev - programming
Jeremy Lubsey - mastering
Grigory Babich - artwork
Denis Odintsov - press release