The Infinity Cut is a fan reimagining of the original film with an attempt to improve the technical and narrative quality, to make the film more serious and fan oriented by getting rid of unnecessary humor and cringe moments. You can read the full list of changes at the end of the description. Yandex Deck - Torrent URL - From the author of the cut: “I don’t think that the film can somehow be made worse or better, the original always remains in fact untouched. But no one can forbid to suggest: “What if...?“ and play around with tone and emphasis. What started out as just a joke on the stream has yet been completed and is now the finished version for the group of people who need some changes to the original source to enjoy it to the fullest extent. The original always exists for a fee and for free on all available sites, and this version will always be here. Thank you all again.” #InfinityCut #SpiderMan #ЧеловекПаук Change Log: - An alternate color correction of the entire film: more contrast visuals and the green tones are removed - Alternative beginning. Replacement of the music, different tone of the scene, the dialog between Happy and May by the door is cut out - Slight editing of the interrogation episode - Happy’s face in TV is replaced, his reaction is cut out - Matt Murdock’s cameo is completely reedited. Changes to the dialogue structure and sound design. Also the transition to the next scene is different - Happy is completely removed from the dialogue scene between Peter and MJ on the phone. Alternate transition to the next scene - Alternate sound and tone of the trio approach to the school scene. Flash is completely removed from the scene. Alternate transition to the next scene - Episode with a stand in Peter’s honor at school is shortened, the soundtrack is replaced - Flash’s appearance in the scene of receiving rejection letters is shortened - Alternate appearance of Otto on the bridge: the dialog before the fight is shortened - The fight scene on the bridge is slightly edited to achieve the necessary dynamics of the scene - The music in the episode with taking control of the tentacles is replaced - The minor character no longer yells at Otto for forced comedy - The dialogue about the multiverse is now accompanied by Strange’s theme - The forced joke about Otto’s name is cut out and replaced with his theme - Electro’s appearance is now accompanied by his theme - Max’s theme is added in the short episode after defeating him - Alternate Goblin appearance, which is accompanied by his theme from the Raimi films - The gaffe with the reference to Norman’s death in the news is cut out because in the first Raimi’s film Peter brought a body without a suit and the cause of death was a mystery to everyone, including his son Harry, up until the end of the second film - Addition of flashbacks to the “Endgame“ before Peter’s decision to take the cube away from Strange - The comical astral projection episode is now shortened - Addition of the music to the scene of the villains entering Happy’s apartment - Goblin’s monologue before the escape episode is reworked so that the emphasis does not shift from it to May or Electro - Minor dynamic edits to Peter’s fight scene with Goblin - May’s death and the episode after are untouched and presented in their original form - Ned’s grandmother is completely cut out (which changes the structure and pacing of the entire Spider’s appearance scene) - The second bread throwing at Garfield’s Peter is cut out - Addition of music themes composed by Danny Elfman and James Horner to the Spiders appearance scene in the apartment - Complete replacement of the music in the conversation scene of the three Spiders on the roof, addition of the themes of sadness and responsibility for Andrew and Toby respectively - Ned and Toby’s Peter short conversation about a “best friend“ is reedited to make it more dramatic, than comedic - Ned’s joke about the transformation into a villain and the reaction to it are severely shortened. The ending of the scene and the transition to the next one is altered - The joke about web-shooting from the cock is cut out - Technically flawed shot with the Lizard and the crane falling on him is cut out - The dialogue of the Spider trio during their break is reedited to match the dynamics of the rest of the fight. The soundtrack is replaced - The moments of the three Spiders coming together, flying and defeating the Sandman are now accompanied by the mash-up of themes of each member of the scene. The soundtrack was written specifically for this scene by composer Jonathan Gerber - Some sound design changes - MJ’s rescue scene is reedited: some flashbacks and original Hans Zimmer themes are added - The final fight between Goblin and Tom’s Peter is reedited: “air punches“ and grimace are cut out. The goal was to make the fight more visually brutal - Addition of some flashbacks to the memory wiping scene
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