Russia-China military alliance looms as US alienates both (Full show)

The Biden administration has rejected President Putin’s suggestion of a reset in US-Russian relations. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has admitted that China, who recently added three warships in a single day, now boasts the world’s largest navy and is making overtures to Russia in hopes of establishing a military alliance. Officials in China and Russia have reiterated their recognition of mutual interest in opposing unilateral sanctions and other unwelcome moves with which Washington exerts its influence on the world stage. China and Russia boast formidable navies and participated in joint military drills and shared sensitive technology with one another. RT America’s Alex Mihalovich reports. (3:42)Then former UK MP George Galloway and former naval intelligence officer John Jordan join Rick Sanchez to share their insights. (7:20) RT’s Charlotte Dubenskij reports from France on the country’s controversial new anti-terrorism bill. (13:22) Then RT America’s John Huddy shares develo
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