FFT Video Feedback Demonstration Using the Waywire memory visualization program

Video Feedback can be fun to watch. One way to make it is to use Haywire - a real time memory dump program. When Haywire is dumping itself - it produces an infinite hall of mirrors effect. What happens when Haywire dumps an image of itself in the frequency transform domain? Would you believe video snow? Watch it and see. The “orange looking“ buffer is an 32K array of complex numbers, which holds about 16 lines or so of video data. Its stationary because at that time, we are just transforming zeros with no feedback. Once I tug on the buffer and pul it into the dump window, things get chaotic right away. The first visit makes snow with a red cast - I believe it to be “pink noise“. Later on we position the feedback square in the buffer and the noise becomes white noise. There are two views of the same circumstance, with a spectrogram plotted (in blue) in the middle. This is a feature of Haywire usually used for comparing two different representations of an area
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