Experimental Video Anthology (Parte 1)

Fragmentos de obras: 1- Calligrams. Woody and Steina Vasulka 2- Illuminatin’ Sweeney. Skip Sweeney 1973 3-Video Weavings. Stephen Beck 1976 4- 5 minute romp through the IP. Dan Sandin 1973 5- Triangle in Front of a Square in Front of a Circle in Front of a Triangle. Dan Sandin 1974. 5- Video-Taping. Ernie Gusella 1974 6- Exquisite Corpse. Ernie Gusella 1978 7- Einstine. Eric Siegel 1968 8- General Motors. Phil Morton 1976 9- Merce by Merce by Paik. Nam June Paik 1978 (Material de Clase: Cátedra Videoarte Instalación, Profesora Carola dreidemie, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Compartido con fines educativos.)
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