MiniTouch - low cost DIY synth for kids

Hello, Here is a compact and very affordable DIY synth. It is build with a Teensy 3.2 microprocessor. I designed it especially for children workshops. Kids from 10 manage to assembly their own unit quite easily, under the supervision of an adult. I found I can teach a lot with it : electronics, coding, wood crafting, and of course music. Children can create and tweak their own presets with a standalone app made with max MSP. It is battery operated and has its own amp and loudspeaker. Here are some features : - 15 capacitive pads - 4 voices polyphony - 1 band-limited oscillator - ADSR amplitude envelope, LP filter, filter envelope, LFO, reverb - portamento effect - 15 presets, 8 scales, transpose - stand alone application for presets programming - MIDI - budget : around 30€ I won’t start an online tutorial neither give building instructions. Here are some reasons. - Most of you asked for a ready-made synth, or almost-ready kit. I don’t want to sell a product. I am not a business and don’t to start one. I am not interested in monetising either the MiniTouch. - others ask for complete code and design schematics. You don’t learn anything doing this way. I also don’t want my work to be spread out without any control. - I receive a lot of requests everyday. I am just an individual hobbyist. I realise won’t be able to provide support and advice. This project is just getting too big for me. The tutorial is almost finished, but I won’t lunch it. I continue to do workshops in France where I live, but I won’t go online. I am sorry for those who are waiting. Who can find dozens of tutorials on the internet. I recommend Notes and Volts series. Emmanuel
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