I beamed Joel’s Anti Alien Alarm into space with a high powered transmitter

Yep, it’s real. Joel’s Anti Alien alarm video has been transmitted into space and beyond using my high powered radio transmitter equipment. Alien status: No alien :) But alien soon? :( equipment used: Two Kenwood TS440S radios (one tx one rx for the video). cushcraft R8 multiband Vertical HF antenna RTL-SDR receiver for the waterfall signalink usb for the radio to pc interface samlex 35w power supply LMR400 feed line Side note: For those of you concerned/curious, steps were taken to ensure that the activities seen in the video were fully legal. Those steps are not shown because it would ruin the effect of the video. And if any of you sad hams still insist on saying I was committing a crime, or complain about qrm, or tell me to go back to CB radio: you can eat 1,000 dicks and maybe balls too.
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