FAREWELL TO FREEDOM (Lech Makowiecki; English Version: Michael Lonstar) As the last of human beings Swaps his brain for a chip And gets branded like a cattle Rounded up with a whip They’ll subdue you with a plastic And deprive you of your cash Bigger loans… Tighter grip… Shorter leash… When you trade your soul immortal For a Facebook’s iron chain And entrust your kids’ upbringing To the ones who know no shame When a Matrix scans your face and Shoots it up into the sky Close your eyes, remember Her One final time… Freedom! Splendid like a dream. Freedom! An oxygen to breathe. Freedom! Untamed like a wind. Freedom… turned in… Freedom! She’s worth living for. Freedom! Worth going to a war. Freedom! More precious than gold. Freedom is our call. You are lured with phony freedoms Choose at will and take your time With Big Brother making sure that You would always toe the line. Too much thinking gives you headache Choosing what you want to be Life is easier when you reset Normality… “Man” no longer sounds so proudly Be a nice obedient lamb Every right can be aborted Every truth now can be banned… Fool is happy like a fool but Wise one knows it all too well That this paradise is heading Straight to hell… Freedom (etc. refren) lyrics, music, singing - Lech Makowiecki Guitar chords: verse: e/D/a/e/G/a/C/H7/ x2 chorus: e/D/e/D/G/F/C/H7/ x2 Thank you very much for: kelly-lacy, karolina grabowska, mikhail nilow, cottonbro, pressmaster, edouard-matte, james, sarowar-hussain, tima miroshnichenko, art hause studio, stefano rinaldo, sebis sport tra, haakon birkeli, roman-odintsov, yaroslav shuraev, drvivasayam, taryn elliott, engin-akyurt, shvets-production, kampus-production, produtora midtrack, pavel danilyuk, naveen g, caio, sebastian fesitl.
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