LIFE in the Ukrainian Village! Cooking traditional Ukrainian FOOD

Olena Vasylivna Shcherban — doctor of historical sciences (ethnology), senior research associate of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, head of the Department of Historical Ethnology, head of the Opishnyan Center of Masters of Folk Art. Porridge (groats. In Zhytomyr region it is called “groats“) - porridge, for which the groats are prepared by hand from millet, eggs and flour (a long process), and then it must be cooked in a rich broth, the best of which is from a young rooster with the addition of raw onions, carrots , butter and salt. Ethno Estate “Lyalyna Svitlytsia“ in Opishnya Address: str. Partyzanska, 19, Opishnya, Poltava region Phone: 380661845061
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