China’s Xi warns reunification with Taiwan is “inevitable,“ while Taiwan’s Tsai seeks...

China’s Xi warns reunification with Taiwan is “inevitable,“ while Taiwan’s Tsai seeks “peaceful coexistence“ 中 시진핑, 대만 통일 “불가피하다“ 발언 대만 차이잉원 총통은 대선 앞두고 평화 호소 Happy New Year I’m Kim Siyoung . And now we turn over to stories from around the world. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, in her New Year’s Day speech on Monday called for “peaceful coexistence“ with China. However, China’s Xi Jinping said that reunification with Taiwan is a “historical inevitability.“ With only eleven days until Taiwan’s presidential election, Tsai Ing-wen’s last New Year’s Day speech in her eight years as president said Taiwan’s only choice is to uphold democracy and protect peace, and that it wishes to have “peaceful democratic dialogue“ for long-term stability between China and Taiwan. China’s Xi Jinping though, struck a strong tone in his New Year’s Eve address, speaking of Taiwan as being part of the “same family“ as China, and claiming that the two countries will “surely be reunified“. #China #Taiwan #XiJinping #TsaiIngwen #중국 #대만 #시진핑 #차이잉원 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-01-02, 09:00 (KST)
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