✂️ Free Papercraft Template: Baby Yoda from Mandalorian Star Wars - DIY
This model is an artistic representation of Grogu from Mandalorian, Star Wars
The model was created first as a quick sketch with my own personal style through visual references, then I have cut out coloured paper to match the sketch as close as possible, finally I created a vector file in PDF by measuring the real model so anyone can print it and create the same model in 1:1 scale. I hope you enjoy it :)
I’m an Art Director and Graphic Designer who is passionate about paper crafting. Some of my real projects as advertisings and stock images are made in paper.
Este modelo es una representación artística de Grogu en Mandalorian, Star Wars
Inicialmente este modelo fue realizado con un boceto rápido con mi estilo personal mediante referencias visuales, luego corté papel de colores para recrear el dibujo lo mas cerca posible, finalmente creé un archivo vectorial en PDF midiendo el modelo real para q