The Cure - Lost World Tour 22 - ALONE - Multicam - Lyrics in subtitle

Editing made from footage shot by the audience of @thecure’s Lost World Tour 22 🖤 --------------------------------- Video credits : 06/10/22 - Riga - Arena Riga (Latvia) Raivo Remmerts - @raivoremmerts4569 - 08/10/22 - Helsinki - Helsingin Jäähalli (Finland) D-Cure - @d-cure8091 - Marko Taskinen - @martaski - Marko Korhonen - @markokorhonen4324 - 10/10/22 Stockholm - Avicii Arena (Sweden) Michael B. - @ - 18/10/22 Berlin - Mercedes-Benz Arena (Germany) nillyh123 - @nillyh123 - 21/10/22 Lódz - Atlas Arena (Poland) Volga Dubinčyk - @volgadubincyk2821 - 31/10/22 - Casalecchio di Reno - Unipol Arena (Italy) Samuele Lodi - @samuelelodi - srutart - @srutart - https://yo
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