Tazheran - relic natural complex of the Baikal region
“Tazheran“ is a Buryat word meaning a place of summer nomadic tribes.
The Tazheran steppes belong to the relic natural complex of the Olkhon region. This is the valley of the Anga River and the steppes of the Tazheran low-mountain massif, whose age is about three hundred to four hundred million years.
This is the most beautiful Baikal landscape. Here you can see sand dunes and a relic spruce forest, and free-standing rocks, and giant caves.
Siberians call the Tazheran steppe a storehouse of rare minerals. On an area of one square kilometer, more than one hundred and forty types of different stones can be found: zirconium, ruby, blue diopside, as well as azoproite and tazheranite - unique stones found only here.
In the caves of the foothills, you can find beautiful underground lakes and rock paintings of ancient peoples, whose age is more than two and a half thousand years.
Especially famous cave “Dream“, which is a natural monument and is under protection.
There are several salt lakes in the center of the steppe. The largest of them is Dabakhtai-Nur. The water and mud of the lakes are used by the local population for medicinal purposes.
In summer, most of the Tazheran steppe is covered with fragrant herbs, among which there are many medicinal ones: thyme, Kuril tea, oregano, Ivan tea.
Geese, cranes, storks, field and marsh harriers, and other bird species nest on the lakes. The symbol and patron of the Tazheran steppes is the eagle. We can see his statue near the village of Elantsy.
In the Tazheran steppe there is a special zone, the center of which is Mount Yord. At the foot of Mount Yord, the Yordyn Games have been held since ancient times. The culture of the nomadic peoples of Siberia flourishes in all its splendor before the guests of this unique holiday in the Irkutsk region.
Text, video: Viktor Kudelya
The video uses photographs of Kudelya V., Trofimenko V.P., Trofimov A.S.
Used materials:
Baikal: nature and people: encyclopedic reference book / Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS; [res. ed. corresponding member A. K. Tulokhonov] - Ulan-Ude : ECOS : BNTs SB RAS Publishing House, 2009.
Govorov S., “Treasures of the Tazheran steppes“, Internet portal “Fan of Baikal“
Internet portal “Irkpedia“
Internet portal “Pribaikalye“
Konev A.A., Kashaev A.A., Uschapovskaya Z.F. Tazheranite - a new calcium-titanium-zirconium mineral // DAN SSSR. 1969. V. 186, No. 4. S. 917-920 Source:
Tatarnikova O. A. “Caves of Baikal“ // Kopeyka: newspaper. - 2006. - No. 36.
Trofimenko V.P. “Eagle in the Tazheran steppe“ - Ulan-Ude : ECOS, 2013
Trofimov A. “Baikal. Tazheran steppes. Who is guarded by the dragon...“ Internet album Solent News and Photo Agency, Southampton, UK, pictures@
6 months ago 00:48:21 1
Я в ВОСТОРГЕ от такого БАЙКАЛА. Автопутешествие по диким направлениям МАЛОГО МОРЯ. #тажераны #байкал
10 months ago 00:18:27 1
Тажеранские степи | Байкал | Весна | Приключения | Tazheran steppes | Baikal | Spring | Adventures