Top 10 Pagan / Folk songs from Russia & Ukraine for 2012.

in my opinion, best songs from 2012, from Russia and Ukraine. It was really hard decision, but some songs that are not in this compilation will be in my 3rd compilation for unknown bands, which i’ll share in april/may. Playlist: 1. Emerald Night - Дрема (Dream) (album “Король Эльфов (King of Elves)“) 2. Beer Bear - Пей, Гуляй, Медвежья Шляхта! (Drink and Revel, Bears’ Gentry!) (album “За Незримой Чертой (Beyond The Invisible Line)“) 3. Fangorn - Таверна “Троллья Нора“ (“Тroll’s Hole“ Inn)
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