Construction of my 7x7x7 V-Ball puzzle

I constructed this in 2008. It is one of the most enjoyable puzzles I have made. I love these hands on type transformations. There was no moulds, no casting and certainly no rapid prototyping. I sculpted the puzzle directly from a 7x7x7 V-Cube with just a Dremel. Rotational movement is surprisingly good even though a huge amount of the 7x7x7 was cut away. In fact the whole thick part of each corner was entirely removed. Only the stems remain. When I was making it I really didn’t know if the whole thing would just fall apart at any moment As with most of my ball transformations I used high quality Skewb style stickers instead of the regular Rubik’s Cube type. I find these are more suited to a curved surface. I considered several colouring options and eventually settled for a cube simulation. I think this works best though doesn’t pose any new solving problem. Putting three different colours on each ’corner’ wasn’t exactly easy either. Genuine V-Cubes and over 100 other puzzles
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