Сергей Лейферкус; Дмитрий Хворостовский. Вчера мы встретились. (С.Рахманинов - Я.Полонский)

Rachmaninov’s set of songs was composed in 1906 and ’Yesterday We Met’ is the 13th of the set. Sergei Leiferkus’s recording, in which he is accompanied by Howard Shelley, was made in 1995 and Dmitri Hvorostovsky’s in 1991. Hvorostovsky’s accompanist is Oleg Boshniakovich. Paintings are by the Swiss symbolist artist, Arnold Böcklin (1827-1901). The text by Yakov Polonsky is as follows: Yesterday we met: She stopped and so did I ... We looked into each other’s eyes ..
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