Learn Korean through Fairy Tales #Easy Korean Reading for Beginners #Short Story Reading in Korean

Far away there were eleven princes and Princess Eliza. There was an evil Queen. She was a witch. She hated Eliza and the eleven princes. The Queen thought, ’I will make them go away!’ 머나먼 나라에 열한 명의 왕자와 엘리자 공주가 있었어요. 사악한 왕비도 있었어요. 왕비는 마녀였지요. 왕비는 엘리자와 열한 명의 왕자들을 미워했어요. 왕비는 생각했지요. ’저 애들을 쫓아내야겠어.’ “Avracadabra! Princes become swans!“ The Queen made the princes into swans. “수&#
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