Check out Lily Mara’s book 📖 Refactoring to Rust | 📖 To save 40% off this book ⭐ DISCOUNT CODE: twitmara40 ⭐ Building a chat server is a great way to learn the Tokio library because a chat server forces you to think about concurrent IO, which is the core purpose of Tokio. Lily demonstrates how you can spawn background tasks to manage independent network streams, and use tokio::select! to concurrently poll tasks which require a shared state. The lessons learned here can be applied generally to all kinds of asynchronous coding challenges in Rust.
Refactoring to Rust |
To save 40% off this book use discount code: twitmara40
“Refactoring to Rust“ teaches you how to take advantage of Rust’s easy-to-use interoperating mechanisms. Learn practical code-mixing techniques like embedding Rust libraries into apps written in other languages. This practical guide emphasizes techniques for incrementally refactoring performance-critical code to Rust while keeping the rest
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