This game was a match from the second round of the recent Rumble in the Riverlands local tournament here in the Ottawa/Gatineau area. This was the top table match between SEAN and his infamous Greyjoys and Rickisamachine and his devastating Starks. They were playing a dance with dragons and this was a short but exciting match.
Worth noting the was 1 major gameplay mistake that was unintentional but had a large impact on the match. You will have to watch to find out what it was though. Enjoy!
THE MULTIZONE , our local gaming store and biggest supporter of the game here in Ottawa. Check out their site and use the code buyasoiaf for 10% off your orders!
SAM RUSTENBURG, intro and animated graphics. If you are looking for graphics, 3d or editing work. email him: iyfmedia@
: All of the cards and character pictures are grabbed off this great site. If you haven’t already go and signup so you can track your games, join tournaments and build your lists.
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3 months ago 00:51:25 1
Das grenzt an Missbrauch der Justiz! (EX-Polizist deckt auf)
4 months ago 00:08:05 3
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Das kaputte Wahlsystem der USA – Zahlen lügen nicht! ❌🇺🇸
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❗Leptinresistenz überwinden - Dr. rer. nat. Markus STARK
5 months ago 00:03:35 1
Мы не убийцы, но вас убьём. Вы упустили свой последний шанс \ Мстители: Война бесконечности