Stencil and masking techniques in slip

This describes how to put down paper stencils to create imagery on clay. Using layers of slips and under glaze. The image and design shown is the property of the artist Vaughan Smith and all rights are reserved under copyright laws. Using this technique developed by me in 1983 I have created both functional tableware and large sculptures, as shown in this video. I hope revealing this technique will encourage other artists to create their own imagery and artwork. When the pandemic is over we may teach this technique in workshops at the studio here in Nova Scotia. Clay and raw materials including water content are different in chemistry, depending on your location, so testing is important to insure good fit between the different layers of slip, clay and glaze. The issues if not addressed include crazing and shivering which can pose a danger, especially the shivering. Leaving paper stencils on is especially dangerous, food or drink can cause blistering of the glaze/slips and release sharp particles into the con
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