2 ANGELS sing “Oceans“ by Hillsong United | Karolina Protsenko & Avelina Kushnir - Violin Cover

Karolina Protsenko plays violin and sings with her cousin Avelina Kushnir. Their perform “Oceans“ (originally by Hillsong) like two angels. Artur Kushnir plays guitar and Ella Protsenko plays piano. I hope you like this family street performance. Please subscribe to our channels ⬇️ My YouTube channel: @KarolinaProtsenkoViolin Avelina Kushnir’s channel:https: @Avelinakushnir Arthur Kushnir’s channel: @Artur_Kushnir You can support me by streaming or getting my music here! 👇 - iTunes: - Amazon: =sr_1_1?keywords=karolina protsenko sky&qid=1571937980&sr=8-1 - Spotify: LET’S CONNE...CT 👇 - - - Mail me! PO Box 941622 Simi Valley, CA 93094 #karolinaprotsenko #violin #duet #angel #street #performance #song #girl #beautiful #amazing #music
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