Why Netflix’s Clickbait is… Clickbait | How Film & TV Bait Us Today

This video is sponsored by #BrightCellars | Get 60% OFF your first 4-bottle box Bright Cellars is the monthly wine club that matches you with wine that you’ll love. Get started by taking the taste palate quiz to see your personalized matches. #MerryAndBrightCellars Is most entertainment today getting click-bait-ified? The popular Netflix series Clickbait is exactly what its name says: it keeps you on the hook with the promise of something titillating, but never delivers deeper substance… and might leave you wondering why you clicked in the first place. Much of today’s entertainment is about drawing us in and capturing our attention, but not necessarily following through on a coherent work that adds meaning to our lives. So what we all lose when stories sacrifice too much for the clicks? If you like this video, subscribe to our channel and support us: Join our Patreon: TikTok: @thisisthetake Instagram: http://instagr
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