Heavy Armor Space Showdown! | CW-S-4 CM Defender Only

CW-S-4 CM 7 Defender Only My favorite stage released this year. A very unique style of opening pressure, extremely tough spawnkill style mobs together with interesting helpful mechanics (-5 weight, gravity, balls), and a boss that actively forces you to hop around to map to counter her mechanics (smashing 6 balls). Compared to EX-8, her ball locking in phase 1 is extremely relevant because you want the balls to fight the enemies. For Defenderknights, the opening pressure is relatively minor, although the CM boost means ranged rockets will slowly melt Penance. The large difficulty is in dismantling the melee mechas, since I lack good ranged arts options. I participated in the NM clear on CN 6 months ago (where the lower stats allowed for a lot of very tight helidrop kills), but it wasn’t until 2 months ago where I saw a low step run where I finally thought of a good idea to tackle CM by combining pre-existing ball Croissant strats with their particular stall setup. I then asked for a C
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