Bboy Morning Workout: My Daily Morning Home Bboy Workout

USE CODE: AJ47 💪 BBoy Morning Workout: My Daily Morning Home Bboy Workout Good Morning! Here are some exercises for you guys to get in a light morning workout that you can do daily. These are some of the exercises I do to simply start the day. 💡 These exercises wouldn’t count as my personal daily workout but simply a morning routine I’ve been using to keep myself disciplined. The goal of a daily morning home bboy workout routine is to not be sore the next day. This is so I can repeat it every day without feeling any pain. You may need to alter this for your own person bboy fitness level. I may change this routine but it will consist of the same TYPES of exercises and they are as follows: Push: Push Up’s Dips etc Pull: (Pull up’s, Chin Up’s...) Legs: (wall sits, squats etc) Skill: (handstands, elbow freezes etc.) MY PULL UP BAR (for the door) 👈💪
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