New Studies Prove We Were Right About Masks & Immunity | Guest: Jennifer Sey | Ep 757

Today we’re joined by Jennifer Sey, author of “Levi’s Unbuttoned: The Woke Mob Took My Job but Gave Me My Voice“ and former chief marketing officer and board president at Levi Strauss & Co., to share her story of getting laid off from Levi’s for speaking out against COVID school mandates. Jennifer shares her story of beginning to question the government’s COVID policies and how Levi’s claimed she was speaking for the company. This resulted in Levi’s severing ties with Jennifer, arguing that her views didn’t align with the company’s. Now we’re seeing more and more data emerge that proves Jennifer was right – COVID lockdowns were harmful for multiple reasons, and the benefits did not outweigh the negatives. We talk politics in the corporate world (and corporate America’s response to COVID), and we look at two studies, one that shows masks aren’t as effective as we were told all along and one that shows COVID infection before the Omicron variant was even more
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