[NEW] The Beatles on Ready Steady Go! (November 23rd, 1964) [8mm Film]
Hey everyone,
Here’s yet another one of the films shared on Getty Images recently - this one being shot on November 23rd 1964 for the Beatles’ appearance on Ready Steady Go. In this film, clips of both the dress rehearsal and actual broadcast were shot, including interviews! To avoid copyright protection issues, I have synced the footage of She’s A Woman to a BBC performance from August 1965. All other audio used for the sync is taken from the actual broadcast (except one interview clip of John, which was actually cut from the broadcast and is now lost). Enjoy!
Track Listing:
1. Introduction / Setup 0:00
2. She’s A Woman (Dress Rehearsal) 1:04
3. I Feel Fine 1:21
4. Interview with John and Ringo 1:23
5. She’s A Woman 2:09
6. Baby’s In Black 3:15