How to Identify Unmarked Plastic

A big thanks goes out to MyHeritage for sponsoring this video. You can buy a DNA kit here and use the code ‘Brothers’ for free shipping. Supporting our sponsors helps keep us in the workshop and saving more plastic from becoming pollution 🤙🏽 This video has been a LONG time coming, but we finally got round to showing you guys a load of different ways in which you can work out what a piece of plastic even if it doesn’t have a marking on. Unfortunately, it seems as though plastic manufacturing companies are still getting away with not marking their plastic, which makes it very difficult to work out what it is and whether or not you can recycle it. In the video we cover the different between elastomers, thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics. We also show you what the Resin ID codes (recycling symbols) look like on plastic when they are there. Our favourite way to separate plastic is using float separation. You can use a number of commonly-available
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