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Hey! Hope you spent your holidays all good! Now... Rant time.
I want to start this off with that while I don’t really play WoW right now, I have been keeping a close eye on the WoW Classic scene and talking with people regarding they’re experiences, and.. wow..
I don’t know man, I really enjoyed the Classic concept at first but then slowly problems kept piling up that really could be solved if Blizzard just played SOME attention. Literally hire the janitor with an extra 5$ an hour to pay attention to it every now and then.
It’s INSANE how rampant botting is in this game, it’s really insane to me how unbothered these botters seem either. Due to this, along with third party gold selling websites, the economy keeps getting absolutely blasted. And not only that it just really sucks to see these bot trains all the time in a game you pay for.
Although, I have to admit, I have had quite the laugh watching footage of bots fighting each other in battlegrounds, that’s hilarious.
People also literally had to wait more than a month in some cases for their ticket responses. INSANE. As if they aren’t paying a monthly subscription for an easily resolved issue? Pretty damn disappointing.
TBC Classic. I really, really, really, really... just don’t understand why there aren’t any servers for it available anymore after WoTLK Classic release. Like...... why...... what was the damn point of this whole project....? They claim they might make them available again in the future vaguely... but this is already ridiculous. So what was the plan? Release it real quick, release the stupid level boost, get EZ money and then gut it? I literally would’ve loved to play it still but I GUESS TOO BAD! I thought Classic servers are supposed to be a permanent option for paying players that can just always come back to it whenever they find it comfortable. Why does it also have to be FOMO??
Speaking of Classic servers. I also don’t understand Classic Era. I would LOVE to play some of that too BUT GUESS WHAT I just don’t feel like it when I enter and see that like every realm is Low pop and probably dying. Why? There’s over 30 realms for Classic Era on EU alone and somehow like 10 or so for WoTLK which just came out.... how does that work.....? Can you like... oh I don’t know... maybe merge them....? So there’s like just a few realms but they’re actively decently populated? No?... Too hard?... Yea shocking.
There’s just so many issues with Classic in my eyes and most of them aren’t because the game is bad. The whole point of Classic is to experience the game as it was and I’m fine with that. But some of these issues are EASILY Solved if Blizz payed attention to it for like 1 minute. I don’t know man.... I don’t know..
Any case, hope you enjoyed the video!
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