Asbjorn Bushcraft: Outdoor Stone Stove with Air Heating System - A-Frame Shelter EP2

In this video, I closed the front of the A-frame of the shelter and rolled the door, assembled the outer stone oven and cut a large trough out of a fallen birch tree. Gathered fresh mushrooms and made risotto. From lingonberries and blueberries - I baked a delicious berry pie in my stone oven. The first part of building an a-frame shelter - But the main task was to make a good stone outdoor oven with an air heating system. And it turned out well - clean air warms up and enters the shelter. I think this heating will be enough to spend the night in shelter in the winter. Winter is coming and soon I will be able to check it :) Hope you enjoy watching this video. Guksi - #bushcraft #survival #outdoors #stove bushcraft shelter, bushcraft skills, bushcraft survival, bushcraft camp, survival skills.
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