Minecraft: How To Build a Survival stone Castle/Base for 5 players PART 2

Hello fellow minecrafters, welcome to the second part! This is reaploaded versions do to copyright strike! MATERIAL LIST ------------------------------------ Stripped Oak Log - 116 = 1 x 64 52 Oak Trapdoor - 6 Oak Button - 8 Stripped Spruce Log - 229 = 3 x 64 37 Spruce Planks - 635 = 9 x 64 59 Spruce Stairs - 1176 = 18 x 64 24 Spruce Slab - 337 = 5 x 64 17 Spruce Door - 14 Spruce Trapdoor - 477 = 7 x 64 29 Spruce Fence - 120 = 1 x 64 56 Spruce Fence Gate - 47 Spruce Button - 7 Dark Oak Fence - 52 Dark Oak Fence Gate - 32 Ladder - 87 = 1 x 64 23 Stone - 2048 = 32 x 64 Stone Stairs - 230 = 3 x 64 38 Stone Slab - 9 Stone Brick - 1886 = 29 x 64 30 Stone Brick Stairs - 500 = 7 x 64 52 Stone Brick Slab - 53 Stone Brick Wall - 35 Stone Button - 2 Andesite - 1041 = 16 x 64 17 Polished Andesite - 45 Andesite Wall - 20 Cobblestone - 72 = 1 x 64 8 Cobblestone Slab - 16 Bricks - 102 =
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