National Anthem of Austria: Land der Berge, Land am Strome (full version)

(Turn on Youtube subtitles for English subtitles) The “National Anthem of the Republic of Austria“ (“Bundeshymne der Republik Österreich“), also known by its incipit “Land der Berge, Land am Strome“ is the national anthem of Austria. Nineteen days before his death on 5 December 1791, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his last complete work, the Freimaurerkantate, K. 623. In parts of the printed edition of this cantata there appeared the song K. 623a “Lasst uns mit geschlungnen Händen“ (“Let us with joined hands“). To this melody the Austrian national anthem is sung. Today, Mozart’s authorship is regarded as dubious and the song is attributed to Johann Holzer (either solely or co-authored with Mozart) or Paul Wranitzky. The lyrics of the anthem are from Paula von Preradović. FRANÇAIS : Land der Berge, Land am Strome (Pays des montagnes, pays sur le fleuve) est l’hymne national de l’Autriche depuis le 22 octobre
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