Voluntary donations here: The diameter of the Sun is decreasing at a rate of about 1.5 meters per hour, which is 1% in 1000 years! 6,000 years ago, at the time of creation, the Sun was only 6 % larger! Increasing the size of the Sun by 1% over 1000 years and moving into the past, you will face the challenges of evolutionary calculus of time! 100,000 years ago, the Sun would have been twice as large as it is now! 20 million years ago it would have touched the surface of the Earth! The existence of Mercury and Venus is out of the question! So it is clear that the Sun is not billions of years old! If the age of the Earth was calculated in millions of years, then it would be covered with a huge layer of cosmic dust up to tens of meters in height! Meteoric dust falls to the ground in tens of tons, but its amount and nickel deposits in the Earth’s crust make it possible to assert that the age of the Earth does not exceed 6,000 thousand y
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